BSides SF is soliciting papers and presentations for the 2016 annual BSides SF conference.



November 30, 2015 – CFP opens
January 10, 2016 – Final due date for all papers
February 3, 2016 – Notifications sent

February 28-29, 2016 – BSides SF 2016


We are most interested in new presentations, but important updates on existing work are welcome. We are also interested in presentations from new faces, therefore, we encourage any individual who has not spoken at a conference before to submit a talk and attempt to make BSides SF their inaugural event.


BSides SF presentations should be focused on topics that are of interest to security and technology professionals who are paying attention to current trends and issues. Presentations dealing with new technologies are always encouraged.

Presentations that are rehashes of old talks, primers on known technologies, or vendor pitches will be rejected and summarily panned. We want BSides SF to be educational and entertaining to the attendees and the community at large. We expect our speakers to be a part of that through talks that are well thought out, well presented and original.

If you feel you have a presentation that would be appropriate but that does not meet the guidelines in this CFP, feel free to submit it anyway as we sometimes accept out-of-scope talks that are so cool and compelling they’ll obviously be of interest to BSides SF attendees. Just be sure to include information explaining your reasoning so we can better evaluate your proposal.

Let us help you get the word out on The Next Big Thing!

Additional notes: Talks previously presented elsewhere will not be accepted unless it can be demonstrated that the material is significantly different from the previous presentation. Also, if you are submitting to RSA Conference, we’d prefer any submissions to BSides SF be on a different subject. When in doubt, the CFP review team will give priority to material never presented anywhere.


Submissions with two or more speakers are welcome at BSides SF.


CFP is now closed.

A sample submission can be found online here. We provide this as a general example. Your detailed outline need not look like ours, but it should be more than enough information to convince us of the merit of your talk.

Members of the BSides SF CFP review team will review all submissions.

Questions? E-mail cfp [at]