Mission Statement

BSides SF is a non-profit organization designed to advance the body of Information Security knowledge, by providing an annual, two day, open forum for discussion and debate for security engineers and their affiliates. We produce a conference that is a source of education, collaboration, and continued conversation for information technologists and those associated with this field. The technical and academic presentations at BSides SF are given in the spirit of peer review and advanced knowledge dissemination. This allows the field of Information Security to grow in breadth and depth, and continue in its pursuit of highly advanced scientifically based knowledge.

What is BSides?

BSides San Francisco is an Information / Security conference that’s different. We’re a 100% volunteer organized event, put on by and for the community, and we truly strive to keep information easily accessible.

The next big thing

Presenters at our conference are engaging our participants and getting the discussions started on the “Next Big Thing”, not preaching at you from the podium about last month’s news. There are no “attendees” at a BSides event. EVERYONE is a participant, adding something of value to the conversations.

Raising the bar for security

The BSides community has continuously raised the bar and put the INFO back in INFOSEC. We thank each and every member/participant/organizer of this community for their hard work, sweat, and relentless pursuit of High Quality information.

We also have to give a HUGE amount of thanks to our generous sponsors and donors that have the foresight to give without strings attached, year after year, and PROVE to the community that we are all in this together. In concert, the participants, sponsors and donors have allowed for us all to get together and make moves to change InfoSec…. one chat, presentation, laugh, and/or drink at a time.

With some of the most passionate and influential infosec practitioners from around the country, and the world, coming to RSA Conference, BSides SF is the place to be. The mix ranges from “down in the trenches” engineers, to business leaders, thought leaders, and executive decision makers of all stripes.

With special thanks to BSidesLV.